When I began my photography career in 2007, the internet was a fairly new creature. Digital photography was in it's infancy stages and no one ever even dreamed of digital photos being an every day norm. In 2010, I launched my first blog and since that day I have posted about 99% of my sessions on a blog post "sneak peek". It's always been something i have enjoyed, and even though it could be quite time consuming, it was worth it for others to have a way to share their portrait sessions with their friends.
As time has progressed, so has technology; and, blogs are not really necessary any longer! As someone who does not really like change very much, I have held onto the blog simply because it was a part of my process. But as they say, all good things must come to an end.
Beginning in 2025, I will no longer post sneak peeks on my blog. Sneak Peeks will only be given on my social media channels onĀ Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, once entire galleries have been posted, a more in depth Sneak Peek will be available on my website for each session under the tab "Recent Work and Client Galleries".
I will continue to keep this blog active, just for the sake of the memories. I look forward to continuing to make memories with you in the years to come! And with that, the sun sets on the blog chapter of 1:17 Photography!